Spend Smarter!

It is all about spending smarter - Why spend money you do not have to??
The Deal Diva appears in the Charlotte Observer on Sunday in the Business/Moneywise section! Thanks to all of you for reading!!
Check out MOM Charlotte - this is a great website and offers lots of great information. http://mom.charlotte.com/
Send me tips by leaving comments on this blog! Or email me at thedealdiva@bellsouth.net I would love to share your great ideas!!
How to Best Use The List :
* The lists are current store specials with recent coupons from Sunday coupon inserts found in the newspaper.
For additional coupons use RedPlum.com, Coupons.com, and SmartSource.com
BOGO deals are generally the best deals out there especially if you have a coupon. Remember you do not have to buy two to get the special price. If you want to buy two make sure you have two coupons to save the most!!
Part of being a savvy shopper is staying organized. Try going through your coupon organizer every few weeks to discard old coupons.
If a coupon says "ANY" and does not specify " does not include trail size" then you can get the smallest size possible and it is perfectly legit to do so. Some of the best coupons say "ANY" and I have gotten tons of trail size products, great items to donate!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Harris Teeter BOGOs (exp 3/17)

Strawberries - 1 lb Pkg - HT Farmers Market- Florida
Pork Baby Back Ribs - Smithfield $2.99 lb 50% off
N.Y. Strip Steak - Boneless- HT Rancher Beef $4.99 lb 50% off
Tilapia Fillets - Sashimi Grade $3.99 lb 50% off
Kellogg's Special K Cereal - 12-14 ounce
Famous Amos Cookies - 15 ounce
Emerald Trail Mix - 5.5 ounce
Eight O'Clock Coffee - 12 ounce
Bertolli Pasta Sauce - 24 ounce
Cottonelle Bath Tissue - 12 Double or 24 Regular Rolls
Hot Pockets Paninis - 7.5 oz- Steak & Cheddar, Ham & Swiss or Bruschetta Chicken
Steak-umm Thin Sliced Steaks - 10.5 ounce
Steak-umm Burgers - 32 ounce - Real Cheese & Sweet Onion
Mystic Pizza - 17.5 oz- Fire Roasted Vegetable
Klondike Ice Cream Bars - 27 oz- Original or Heath
Kahiki Egg Rolls - 9.75 oz- Vegetable, Chicken or Pork & Shrimp
Gorton's Salmon Fillets - 6.3 oz- Char-Grilled or Lemon Butter
Foster Farms Chicken Wings - 28 oz- Hot 'n Spicy or Honey BBQ
Blue Bunny Ice Cream - 56 ounce
Born Free Cage Free Eggs - One Dozen - Large White
Crystal Springs Water - 12 Pack
Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice Cocktail - 64 ounce